Framework in Action
Technology Helped Middle and High Schools Provide the Right Intervention at the Right Time

Using Data to Guide Interventions – Sodus, NY

Providing the right intervention at the right time is critical for student success. From 2011 to 2013, the Safe Schools/Healthy Students project in Sodus led to a significant drop in referrals for students in area middle and high schools. Program representatives credit the use of data— specifically the student management system, Infinite Campus, coupled with tableau data–visualization software—for helping them create interactive graphs and charts across a range of indicators so that they could target interventions for when they were needed.

Because the software interfaced with the student– management system, updates were live and allowed for quick intervention delivery as opposed to two to five weeks it took previously.

To maintain this capacity, program representatives point to the importance of ingoing conversations about resource alignment. What makes Sodus’ approach powerful is the local context of community partners’ support coupled with the school interventions.

Delivering faster interventions is a great benefit for the entire community.  

Strategic Approach: