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Guides community planners, agency directors, and school administrators. The goal of this paper is to empower communities to consider initiating a C-U partnership as a mechanism for advancing school mental health programming. 


Highlights the effort to recognize shared experiences in creating learning partnerships across stakeholders who work in the same landscape of practice.


Provides an updated version of the definition and the accompanying values and principles, clarifies the intended use of the updated framework and philosophy, outlines challenges for research and evaluation, and suggests areas needing greater emphasis as we continue to address children’s mental he...


Includes a comprehensive report that presents the findings from a study on effective strategies for expanding the system of care approach that was undertaken as part of the national evaluation of the federal Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families Program....


Provides organizations, agencies, groups, and individuals a space to work together to communicate what is important to them, to learn together, to do work together, and to collaborate in addressing complex educational problems. 


Identifies the goals and conditions necessary to chart a path toward effective family engagement efforts that are linked to student achievement and school improvement.

Capacity Building/Workforce Development

Developed through the Education and Capacity Building Program detailed on the NNIRR website, this platform serves as a  space to share immigrant/refugee experiences, understand those of others, share strategies, and develop collective visions for a better world.

Capacity Building/Workforce Development

Houses a plethora of resources such as assessment tools, an organizational matrix sample, 10 Critical Factors which can be utilized for advancing school mental health. Developed as part of a CDC-funded project completed in collaboration with the National Assembly on School Based Health Care.

Capacity Building/Workforce Development

Aids to encourage and support building systems of community schools by distilling key lessons and recommending actions based on successful practice. Houses a plethora of reports and guides, as well as tool kits which can be used to plan, implement, and sustain community schools strategies. 

Capacity Building/Workforce Development

Discusses the impact of bias-based bullying and violence in schools and helps schools to better meet the needs of sexual minority youth and children with sexual minority parents/guardians by providing resources to schools, skill-based training for educators, and more. 

Cultural Linguistic Competency
