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KnowBullying App

15 minutes a day. That’s all it takes. When parents and caretakers talk with and listen to children and youth for 15 minutes each day, they not only create a foundation for a strong relationship and trust, but also build the reassurances that the child can come to them with a problem. Speaking openly about bullying will help boost children’s confidence and build effective strategies for facing bullying, whether their child is being bullied, engaging in bullying, or witnessing bullying.

Share the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s KnowBullying app with parents to help guide their conversation. The app features the following:

  • Conversation Starters: Start easy, meaningful conversations with their children.
  • Tips: Strategies to prevent bullying for ages 3–6, 7–13, and teens.
  • Warning Signs: Recognize if their child is engaging in bullying, being bullied, or witnessing bullying.
  • Reminders: Talk with their child when the time feels right—a quiet moment on the way to school or a game, during dinner, or relaxing outside.
  • Social Media: Share successful strategies and useful advice via Facebook, Twitter, email, and text messages.

The app also features a section for educators with tips to prevent bullying in the classroom and support children who are being bullied. 

For more information on the KnowBullying app and supporting materials visit SAMHSA’s KnowBullying partner tools page.