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The Potential for Cost Savings from Home Visiting due to Reductions in Child Maltreatment

Describes the evidence of effectiveness of several home-visiting program models in reducing child maltreatment. We present the estimated costs of implementing these models and describe the additional information needed to assess whether they are cost-beneficial with respect to reductions child maltreatment and other outcomes.The brief focuses on four program models—Healthy Families America (HFA), Nurse Family Partnership (NFP), Parents as Teachers (PAT), and SafeCare. 

Strategies to Support the Integration of Mental Health into Pediatric Primary Care

Examines the landscape for mental health service delivery to children, including a discussion of the role of federal and state agencies, as well as public and private insurance.  The issue brief reviews information on mental health programs, practices and guidelines, and discusses strategies health plans can utilize to improve early identification and treatment for children in primary care.

State Strategies for Integrating Physical and Behavioral Health Services in a Changing Medicaid Environment

State efforts to ensure that Medicaid beneficiaries have access to integrated care, however, are hindered by a fragmented behavioral health system that is administered and regulated by multiple state agencies and levels of government, and by purchasing models that segregate behavioral health services from other Medicaid-covered services.


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